VP8 Alumni Association




By-Laws Document



Article I             Name

Section 1.1 The name of this corporation shall be the VP-8 Alumni Association, Inc. Its operations shall be conducted in the United States. Its office shall be located wherever the registered agent lives.

Section 1.2 The name of the initial registered agent is (name of someone willing to be such, since there will be no work involved). The Executive Board may substitute another as a registered agent from time to time.

Article II                     Purpose

Section 2.1 The purposes of the organization shall be to bring together the former officers and enlisted men who were once assigned to duty in the United States Navy Patrol Squadron known as VP-201/VPML-8/and VP-8Öor PATRON EIGHT for reunions to take place approximately eighteen months to two years apart, or however designated by popular vote by the members. In addition, to keep the members informed of any news within the membership via a bi-monthly newsletter.

A       Act as an information and locating service for VP-8 Alumni.

    B       To operate within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Service Code in that the

             the VP-8 Alumni Association is a non-profit organization and will adhere to the

             Internal Revenue Service Code by contributing any monies not required for  

             operating expenses to   a U.S. Navy sanctioned organization such as the Navy

             Relief Society, Navy Memorial, or similar non-profit organization on an annual



No part of the net earnings , or the   corporation shall enure to the benefit of or

be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation   shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of   the purposes set above.   No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. Moreover, the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate running for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities that are prohibited.

By a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1954.

By a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1954.

ARTICLE III               Membership

Section 3.1 Membership Qualifications: Any alumnus, spouse, widow, or widower of an alumnus may be a member of the VP-8 Alumni Association, Inc. upon payment of a yearly membership fee due in January of each year. If this fee has not been received by April 1, names will be purged from the mailing list, but will remain on the roster.

Section 3.2 All Members Business Meeting: There will be a business meeting for all members during each reunion. The current Reunion Committee or Organizer will establish the location, date, and time.

ARTICLE IV               Executive Board

Section 4.1 Elections: The Executive Board shall consist of a President or Chairman, a Reporting Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary/Newsletter Editor, and a Treasurer; and shall be elected at the All Members Business Meeting. Each Officer shall serve a term of office until the next reunion and may be reelected to any number of subsequent terms as long as they are willing to serve. The Executive Board must be members of the VP-8 Alumni Association, Inc.  

Section 4.2: Committee Members will consist of any members of the Association who are attending the Reunion Committee meetings to organize the upcoming reunion. In the event the President/Chairman, Recording Secretary, or Treasurer are unable to attend these Reunion Committee meetings, the Committee will then choose someone to chair these meetings and keep the Executive Board informed of the undertakings.

Section 4.3 Regular Meetings: The Reunion Committee will meet bi-monthly at a predesignated time and place.

Section 4.4 Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Executive Board may be held at such time and place designated in a notice if convenient for all Board Members to attend, and may be called by the President/Chairman at any time; shall be called by the President/Chairman at the request of any two Board Directors.

Section 4.5 Powers: The Executive Board shall manage the affairs of the corporation.

Section 4.6 Proxy: There shall be no proxy votes in Executive Board Meetings.

Section 4.7 Informal Action: Any action that may be taken at a meeting of the Executive Board may be taken without a meeting if written consent setting forth the action is signed by all Board Directors.

Section 4.8 Compensation: The Executive Board shall not receive compensation for their services on the Board. No part of any earnings of the corporation shall enure to the benefit of or be distributable to any of its Board Members, Officers or other private persons   except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered   to pay reasonable compensation for the furtherance of its purposes. The only compensations will be to reimburse for any out-or-pocket expenditures for anything for use in the organization.

Section 4.9 Duties:

The President/Chairman shall:

1) Preside at the meetings of the VP-8 Alumni Association, Inc. general membership  

and those of the Reunion Committee and Board of Directors   if feasible and convenient by geography.

       2) Sign all contracts, loans, bills and obligations that have been approved by the Executive Board.

       3) Call special meetings, perform all other duties to this office, and look to the general welfare of the corporation in furtherance of its purposes.

        4) Appoint all committee chairmen and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.


         5) Give a report at the annual meeting, reviewing the yearís work and giving suggestions for future accomplishments and reunions.

The Corresponding Secretary/Newsletter Editor shall:

Conduct the correspondence of the VP-8 Alumni Association Inc., except such

as may naturally belong to the Recording Secretary, certain committee members, or other Officers in the performance of their duties. Answer any inquiries as to membership and reunion information.

          2) Write, layout, edit, print and mail the Newsletter at least     five times per year.

The Recording Secretary shall:

Prepare the minutes of all meetings, noting all actions whether carried or not.

Send out copies of these minutes to the Corresponding Secretary/Newsletter Editor, keeping him/her informed of current events and any business or news to print in the newsletter.

Keep and when necessary, call the roll of the Reunion Committee members.

In the absence of the President/Chairman, call the meeting to order and proceed to elect a President/Chairman pro-tem.

Receive and record incoming annual dues and forward to the Treasurer.

Have charge of all papers and records.

The Treasurer shall:

Have charge of all funds of   the corporation whether from dues, gifts, billings,

or contributions which shall be   deposited in a bank designated by the Board of   Directors.

Pay all bills signed by the President/Chairman and keep an account of all

receipts and expenditures.

Pay all out-of-pocket bills presented by the Reunion Committee   or other

Officers as long as these expenditures   are accompanied by a receipt designating that the expenditure was for the use of the VP-8 Alumni Association, Inc.

Submit a Treasurerís Report audited by another Board Member at the

  All Members Business Meeting.   

The Ships Stores Manager   shall:

Maintain the Small Stores Inventory and provide sales information to the

Recording Secretary and the Treasurer.

Forward all monies to the Treasurer.

Request funds from the Treasurer when stock replenishment is required.

ARTICLE VI               Policies

Section 6.1 Contracts: The Executive Board may authorize any Executive Officer or Officers, agent or agents of the corporation, in addition to the Officers so authorized by the by-laws, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in its name and on its behalf and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

Section 6.2 Gifts: The Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the corporation any contribution, gift, grant, bequest or devise for the general purpose for the furtherance of the VP-8 Alumni Association, Inc.

Section 6.3 Checks and Notes: Checks, notes, drafts, and demands for money shall be signed by the Treasurer and any other members whose name has been approved to be on the checks.

Section 6.4 Reunion: The bi-annual meeting shall be held no sooner than eighteen months, nor longer than two years from the date of the last reunion unless approved by the majority of the members.


Section 7.1: The power to amend or repeal the by-laws or to adopt new by-laws is reserved to all members by an affirmative vote of not less than two thirds (2/3) is necessary to add, amend and repeal the by-laws. Prior written notice of any proposal relevant to the by-laws, whether to add, amend or repeal, shall be given to each member in the newsletter prior to the upcoming All Members Business Meeting unless it is so urgent that it must be done by mail with a deadline for balloting. In this event, it must be passed with a majority of Yea votes.



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Page updated on: Nov. 11, 2009