VP8 Alumni Association




May-Jun 2013 - #156

ay/Jun 2013 / Alumni Newsletter
Newsletter Highlights by Carolyn Magee:

REUNION If you did not send in your registration for the reunion, it is too late now. We have really been disappointed at the turnout for the reunion, but we do understand how some of you "old folks" just don't feel up to traveling. What we don't understand is why many of you, and some of you live close to the reunion site, choose not to attend. You are really missing out on lots of fun, and friendship. Our gathering looks to be small this year, but it will still be great, and we look forward to seeing everyone. These are the people who are attending: Stewart, Magee, Leath, Leady, Ziegler, Hendershot, Knepper, Scotti, Jarmuzek, Barski, S. Adams, Anzevino, Moore, Madsen--maybe 2 others--and Guite's for the banquet. REUNION There has been a small change in the itinerary for the visit to the Air Force Museum. Because of the dreaded "sequestration," one of the venues we were to visit at the Museum is to be closed--the Presidential Gallery. Bill was informed of this and was able to talk to a person in charge. She assured us that we would still get to tour the museum, and she would be sure we "were well taken care of," according to Bill. One of the new sections is dedicated to Vietnam (see bottom of page 9), so we should be scheduled to see that one, which is phase 2 of the Korean/SEA Gallery that we are already scheduled to visit, and perhaps a few of the others. We may get more than we bargained for, but it sure scared us for a minute there. I will be taking my computer to the reunion so that I can put in pictures right away, and will be putting things on the front page each day about the trip.
Now I want to talk about DUES. Some of you had to be prodded to get your dues in before this issue of the newsletter went out. This year I made sure to put the dues notice on an entire page in fairly large letters and stapled it to the front of the newsletter. How could some of you have missed it! * Keeping up with who has paid and who has not is no easy job, but Bill and I have tried hard this year, plus working on the reunion, and we can't call or email everyone who has not paid. But in case you are unsure of dues, they work this way: Dues notices are sent out with the January newsletter. We expect you to pay up as soon as you get the letter, or in your next bill paying cycle. If dues are not paid by the next issue, you name is listed as a no-pay. If they are not paid by the May issue, you are dropped. That's it. Oh, you might say, I paid in May, so I don't owe. Dues run from Jan-Dec. If you join after the Sept. newsletter goes out, we do give you credit for the next year and you don't have to pay again. I send a membership card so that you will know if you owe or not. What else can I do to be sure you get dues in on time? Is there anything I can do to make the newsletter better? Suggestions are always welcome, and so are new members as our roster has definitely shrunk this year.

New Alumni RostersAvaliable!

New Alumni Rosters Avaliable!


Complete up-dated 2009 roster is $8 if it is picked up and $13 if mailed

If you have a loose leaf roster with 2006 as the date, all you have to do is order the up-dated insert which is $4.50 mailed or $2 picked up.

Order by sending a check made out to VP8 Alumni Assn. to Don Rickel, 33 Bridge St., Topsham, ME 04086. When he receives the check, he will let your roster editor know, and it will be mailed out as soon as possible


The new roster is loose leaf, so as you get changes from each newsletter. I suggest that you put a piece of notebook paper in the roster section and keep up with the changes as they come out--until a new roster is published.

The new roster is very different as it is divided into Sections.

SECTION ONE contains TAPS, the origin of the association, a list of reunions, the actual roster with an index, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and a map showing how many people we have listed from each state.

SECTION TWO contains the history of VP-8 along with lists of Commanding Officers.

SECTION THREE contains other interesting and important documents.

Page updated on: 4/29/13