Join Our Association!!

vp8 members at Pensacola


>>>>>>>>>>> Why?


Why should I join the Patrol Squadron Eight / VP8 Alumni Association? Around 1996 I joined the Association and went to my first reunion. Had more fun that weekend than at any school reunion I'd been to! Gripped, grined, hugged and hoo-rahhed with guys I hadn't seen in over 35 years. That weekend was spectacular and I was hooked! So hooked I voluntered to design, build and maintain our website and became our WebMaster and Historian.


VP-8 is the longest running squadron in the US Military, still flying in the fleet and fully transitioned to the new P-8 aircraft!!

Don't delay. Take a look around this site, if you like, and then come back here by clicking any "Membership" link on the left side or either "Click Here to Join" button at the bottom of every page...will be the best ten bucks you ever spent!

Ready to register NOW, you say? Good...

Patrol Squadron 8 Logo
Ralph Papa /President, Historian and WebMaster



Membership is just $20 per year

Any donations are welcomed and gratefully accepted. 

Click the Button below for Membership and Donations Online!!



If you prefer to send a check by mail, click here


Note:  We would appreciate notification, via the "Contact Us" form, should you be aware of the passing of any of our VP-8 shipmates.

This page revised on March 12, 2021