VP8 Alumni Archives
Photo Archives

















(click on photo for enlarged view)

Joe Quintana 1950

VP8 Crew 5 Feb. 1952
VP-8 Crew 3
Crew 3 July 1957
VP8 Officers cic1950s
VP8 Officers cic 1950s
P2V LC9 1957

VP8, LC-9 1957
VP8 P2V Takw-off
VP8 P2V Take-off

VP8 Crew 9 1950-51
VP8 Crew photo
VP8 HD9 Crah in Iceland 1953
VP8, HD 9, Crash in Iceland 1953
VP8 Dan Szymanski c1953 VP8 Dan Szymanski, c1953
Crew 3 / Iceland 1953
VP8 c1953 VP8 crew 4 cic 1953 VP8 cic 1953
VP8 cic 1953 VP8 cic 1953 VP8, cic 1953
VP8 cic 1953 VP8 cic 1953 Bill Daley
Bill Daley / Argentia 1959
VP8, HD 12, cic 1953


VP8 c1950s VP8 C1950s
Crew 1 1958
VP8 LC 10; c1950s
VP8 Crew 11 c1950s
LC-11 Crew Members in Thule
(Wikes, Taffel, Sherry and Hoover)
VP8 Crew 1 1958

VP8 c1950s

1959 / LC-11 with Lt. Gilchrist and Papa

LC-5 1958 BurNo 131410 / photo from Bob Hogg
This P2V-5F aircraft is now at NAS JAX

Crew 7 1958


VP8 Deployment to Scotland 1958

Lt Hogg and LCDR Schearer / Placentia 1959

LC5 over Sub

LC6 1959

VP8 LC-11 1959

VP8 Cdrs. Hansen, Nasworthy & Holtzrichter
at Farewell Party on 7-7-1959

7 July 1959

Ralph Papa and Wayne Meier on flight line
at NAS Norfolk 1959

VP8 Crew 4 1958

1950 Captain's Inspection

1950 Captain's Inspection

1950 Captain's Inspection

VP8 -1950

1950 Captain's Inspection

1952-54 VP8 Photos from Don Kick

1953 HD5 Keflavik, Iceland


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Page updated on 9-22-2020